Understanding the useEffect Dependency Array
If you are new to useEffect and hooks, take a deeper dive into useEffect to get a better understanding of the dependency array to minimize renders and optimize effects.
Redux vs. Context vs. State
An in-depth investigation of different react state management options, and how to use each of them to their best ability.
Introduction to Tree Shaking
In part 3 of our reducing js bundle size series, we will take a look into tree shaking, and if it lives up to it's hype. Automatically detect and remove code not used across your project!
Module Swapping for better Development and Testing
Module swapping gives us the ability to recognize and swap modules at build time. These are often handy to change the module loaded for a specific environment.
Using ESLint to speed up code reviews
If there is some sort of rule/coding standard in place on your project, that rule should be in ESLint. Living documentation is obviously preferable, and if we can put our practices both in clear code and in our editors while programmers are working, they are much more likely to follow the rule that is made.
Building Basic React Authentication: Using hooks and context with react router
Simple way to create authentication using react-router and tokens
Quick Glance - Memo vs Memoize
Whats the difference, and when to use them.
Quick Glance - Optional Chaining
Using the stage 2 proposal today!
Reducing JS Bundle Part Two: Minification and dead code elimination
The first strategy we tackle in our series. The goal of minification and dead code elimination is to set up an automated way to remove unnecessary whitespace, shrink variables and function to take up the least bytes, and ultimatly delete unused code.
Reducing JS Bundle Part One: Measurement and high level
Let's first talk about Javascript bundles. Bundles are usually referring to Javascript and CSS bundles sent from the server to the user's browser. When we discuss it in passing, the primary focus is typically the size of the initial Javascript bundle sent to to the client to initialize the web app, and how that bundle affects the amount of time before a user can use the app.
Unity and iOS: Whitelisting frameworks and bundle removal
What we are looking at today is iOS during our build pipeline. One thing you stumble by a lot is the tricky area of xcode builds. Creating an xcode project from Unity is a pretty trivial task. But, if you would like to run the xcode project archive/export process as part of this build automation pipeline, you may find yourself with missing frameworks, or issues with urlschemes, that fail your build.
Setting up a clean install of windows with Chocolatey.
Chocolatey is a package manager, attempting to be in a similar vein as apt-get for Debian. Lets automate a fresh install of our programs
Unity Testing: The limited approach available
Traditionally in Software Development, testing plays an integral role in both the maintainability and quality of the product. Of course, in game development, user acceptance testing is performed frequently. But lets take a look into automated tests!
Unity REST - Part Two
One of the main challenges we encountered when first trying to use JSON with C#, it wasn't the simple world of Javascript we had grown accustomed to.
Unity REST - Part One
While developing a game, there a number of reasons why you would want to connect to a server. Downloading new assets, such as models, or collecting data from an external source. Downloading bundle assets can be done through your own server, which allows your game to connect to a server and download the most recent versions of bundle assets.
7/24/2014JavascriptBeginnerObject Oriented
Object Oriented Javascript: What it is, and when to use it
Javascript doesn't allow object orientation in a [class-based](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class-based_programming) style. Rather Javascript accomplishes object orientation using what is known as prototype-based programming.